Saturday, December 19, 2015

Disneyland Christmas Food Highlights

By Keith Mahne

What's better than Christmas at Disneyland? Food, of course! Not just any food, I'm talking about Disneyland Christmas food. Today, we are about to embark on a one hour Food Network special that explores the amazing holiday destination that is Disneyland -- the fun, the experience, the added holiday excitement and charm, all wrapped up in the park's holiday themed meals and treats. This special will not only get you in the Disney Christmas spirit, it will have you wanting to eat your computer screen. Join us as we explore some scrumptious Disneyland Christmas treats and how they're made in today's new article...

Guy Fieri, along with various members of his family, will highlight and participate in the making of a variety of Disneyland Christmas food offerings including baked goods such as a gingerbread house and Yule log, candy canes and candy apples, and Christmas Eve dinner featuring items served at the Napa Rose restaurant. This will have your mouth watering for sure. Enjoy the show...

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Keith Michael Mahne is the owner and editor of Disney Avenue and the host of the Disney Avenue Podcast. He has made countless trips to the Walt Disney World resort since his first trip in 1989 at the age of four. Keith has a strong passion and respect for Walt Disney, the parks and resorts, and the men and women who help create them. He started Disney Avenue as a way to inform and entertain readers and to repay all those who make dreams come true everyday.

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